Saturday, January 2, 2021

TheBritFromOz 2020 Awards


TheBritFromOz 2020 Awards


So, 2020, where do we start.

Most years are full of ups and downs – 2020 however, takes this to the limit. The (lock)downs were so low that some normal ups are thrown as high as the stratosphere in comparison.

For me, the combination of all the COVID lockdowns and anxieties with trying to keep on top of a university to-do list longer than The Beatles’ entire discography has meant that my railway filmmaking has been a welcome distraction. This was furthered by me receiving a new camera for my birthday in April, which had a proper Zoom function (and I don’t mean for video-calling) and allowed for some more interesting filmography than had been possible with my iPhone. As a result, some of the twenty-seven videos I’ve made this year rank among my best.


XP2014 City of Grafton leads WT27 Central West XPT 
through Blackheath on 07/11/20, in 158F: Springtime In Blackheath

Usually, I put the BritFromOz Awards onto my end-of-year video. This year though, I opted instead for a straight highlights clip show, after the filming I did for the awards video wasn’t to my liking. Instead, the awards are being done in written form, which you’re reading right now.

You can watch the end-of-year video here.


So, let’s get on with it. We have twelve awards to get through and we’ll start, as always, with


1. 2020 Turkey Award – Worst Film of 2020


158F: An Afternoon At East Hills was an average product of a not-so-good shoot. There’s nothing wrong with the film itself really, but the clips themselves let it down. These were shot with my iPhone 6S+, the camera of which had developed a fault at the start of the year making videos appear fuzzy and jittery. This is unfortunately quite obvious in in An Afternoon At East Hills and it distracts from what most viewers are here for – the trains.

C9 & C13 arrive at East Hills
with a City Circle - Macarthur via Sydenham working

Now for something a bit more positive.

2. Grand New Place – Best New Location for 2020

This year, I’m awarding this award to Scarborough 

for its appearance in the atmospherically changeable 158F: Scarborough Four Seasons.

There were fewer new locations visited this year than previous years on account of the reduced opportunities to produce films. Scarborough had been on the “want-to-do” list since the Kiama Picnic Train had started running again in late September/ early October. The station provides the opportunity for many interesting shots with a lot of pretty backdrops, so this year, it gets the Grand New Place award.


3. First Time Brilliance Award – Best New Train of 2020

We had a very famous locomotive return to NSW metals this year which I was lucky enough to see.

That locomotive, of course, is 3801.


3801 charges across the Wingecarribee River Bridge in Burradoo
with a Picton - Moss Vale load trial, with 4201 on the rear of the train.

The famous engine made its first appearance on TheBritFromOz in 158F: Wingecarribee Trains, on a trial run from Picton to Moss Vale on 06/02/20. Although still looking a bit patchwork at the time, this shot is one of my favourites of the year. It was an absolute joy to have the famous engine back after twelve years of being cooped up in Chullora being taken apart and reassembled.


4. Long Time No See: Location – Best Location to return in 2020 after 2+years off screen

Honourable mention to Casula for its appearance in 158F:Casula Southern Diverts (09/12/20) – this was easily off-screen for the longest amount of time, having last appeared in the 2015-shot South West In December feature-length film.

Casula as it appears in Casula Southern Diverts
- not much different from its last appearance in SWID.

But the winner...

Menangle, for its appearance in 158F: A Misty Morn’ At Menangle (16/12/20).


The station last appeared in 2017’s Menangle And Bargo series. Like Scarborough, it is a lovely station with several lovely backdrops, but with high historical significance, with its building dating from 1863 - one of the state’s oldest.


5. Long Time No See: Train – Best Train to return in 2020 after 2+years off-screen (New this year)

5917 at Mount Kuring-gai on 18/12/20 with the
Baldwin to Broadmeadow run.

The inaugural winner of this award is 5917, which made two appearances this year in 158F: Scarborough Four Seasons and 158F: 5917 With A Little SSR. It last appeared in Part Four of my 2016 Hunter Valley Steamfest series.


5917's last appearance, back in SOV51: Hunter Valley Steamfest (2016) - Part Four
Up until 2020, this was 5917's only appearance on any iteration of TheBritFromOz.

6. TOTO Award – Wettest Shoot of 2020


The Mount-Kuring-gai portion of this shoot was pretty Welsh and it shows.


A very wet Mount Kuring-gai on 18/12/20

7. On A Wim Award – Best Unplanned Film of 2020

The criteria for this award is that I have to have woken up in the morning not planning to shoot it. The winner is…

 158F: The Ghan Comes To Sydney

I only decided to make this film about an hour before starting filming – I didn’t realise The Ghan (or part of it) had come to Sydney until a few hours earlier. Although unplanned, the film was still quite good.


8. Highest Ratings Award – Most-watched film of 2020 (as of Boxing Day)


158F: Wingecarribee Trains takes this one in a landslide with 1,182 views, largely thanks to it featuring 3801.

It is one of only three films I’ve made which have clocked up more than 1,000 views, the others being Epping to Chatswood: ThePenultimate Day (2018) and SOV41: Tangaras On The Carlingford Line (2016) with 1,023 and 2,490 views respectively.


9. Filming Fun Award – Most Fun had on a film shoot in 2020 (New this year)

I have a lot of fun on my film shoots (usually), but I’m giving this award to…


Christmas Special 2020: LEGO Christmas Train

Being able to share with my viewers the joy of putting together a LEGO® set was a brilliant idea for a Christmas special and I had a lot of fun doing it – almost forgot I was making a film at one stage!


10. Quick Sticks Award – Best “Quickie” Film of 2020 (New this year)

A “quickie” film is a video which is under six minutes in length and usually only depicts one, two or three trains. This is the first year I’ve referred to them as “quickies”, and the winner is…


158F: An XPT At Turramurra (03/09/20 - Quickie)

This was quite a historical sight as 03/09/20’s NT31 Sydney – Casino XPT (not Brisbane as the border was shut at the time) was the first XPT to operate via the North Shore Line in almost sixteen years. I thought I wouldn’t ever see an XPT pass my local station, but there we are!

158F: An XPT At Turramurra was also the runner-up for the Highest Ratings Award, with 485 views.


11. Takes The Cake Award – Best Films of 2020 (shortlisted to five)




I’ve talked about this film enough really.



Not a railway film, but one of my favourite videos from the year as it was great fun to make.

  T’BIRDS: Fall Of The Routemaster was also the first Thunderbirds short that I finished – you can read about the making-of process here.




158: Wednesday At Wondabyne (11/11/20)

My first full-length Wondabyne film since 2017 (save for its brief appearance in the 2019 Hunter Valley Steamfest film) became my favourite. I covered its history much more in-depth this time and it also provided my first sight of a D set, as well as Vintage Rail Tours’ Golden West Rail Tour. Still don't know where the name came from though... 


158F: Springtime In Blackheath (07/11/20)

I tipped this one as the winner of this award when I made it – a very fun shoot after a long time not doing any full-length videos thanks to uni and lockdowns. It featured a lot of nice trains, including the history-making sight of an OSCAR west of Springwood, at a lovely location and was generally a very nice film to shoot and edit. 

But even if Springtime In Blackheath was tipped win, it didn't. And so, the best film of 2020 is...



The final new film to enter 2020’s catalogue, 158F: A Misty Morn’ At Menangle was good for all the same reasons as 158F: Springtime In Blackheath, but it being only the second Main South entry for 2020 (the first being Wingecarribee Trains) made it that little bit more special. What’s more, I wasn’t planning to see a few of the highlight trains in this film and met some people at Menangle that I’m now good friends with. So, this atmospheric film wins 2020.


And now for the final award…

12. Best Of The Year – My Favourite Clip of 2020

I’ll give you a few seconds to guess.


Ok, this didn’t win, it’s the runner-up. But of all the clips I took with my Canon Legria this year, this one of WT28 Central West XPT passing Newbridge, taken from 158F: BulletsAnd Xs – Part Two was my favourite. It nicely captures my favourite NSW train passing a picturesque disused station in a scenic part of the world.

But the winner – again, can you guess?


Yes, it’s 3801 and 4201 charging across the Wingecarribee River en route from Picton to Moss Vale in Wingecarribee Trains.

So, 2020. A not-so-nice year for many, but as far as my filming was concerned, this year was one of my best.

Let’s see what 2021 brings.

Peace & Love!



All photos taken by me.

All awards given on my own opinions of each film, location or train (except for Highest Ratings). These awards are just meant as a bit of fun and are not to be taken seriously.

TheBritFromOz 2020 Awards

C. Duck Wilson MMXI

All Rights Reserved

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